Category Archives: News

Shoulder Pain and Common Shoulder Problems

Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? When everything rests on your shoulders, they’re more prone to injury. Constantly carrying your children, overtraining, too much lifting, or throwing your heavy backpack over your shoulders every morning can lead to a painful injury. If you already have pain or difficulty with your shoulders, physical […]

Reaching Your Tipping Point

  Pushing your body to be the best that it can be is a good thing that can yield great results, but sometimes going too heavy on your body’s odometer might be damaging for you in the long run and can even result in injuries that are detrimental to your fitness goals. Overtraining is doing […]

Why We Love Being Your PT

There are a million reasons why we love being your physical therapist. Here are just a few reasons why: 1. The human body is fascinating You’ll be hard-pressed to find a machine that works as well or better than the human body. We see people with all kinds of injuries and pain – and for […]

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes

  If you are looking for better ways to manage your Type 2 Diabetes or are simply trying to get ahead of it by preventing it, read on because we may have some tips for you! Just under half a billion people are currently living with diabetes worldwide and that number is projected to increase […]

Bring Physical Therapy into your 2022 Health Plan

The year 2022 is here and this new year, why not make an effort to put taking care of your body a top priority? As physical therapists, we are uniquely qualified to evaluate physical changes in your body that could potentially lead to pain or injury. By making a routine physical therapy visit, we can […]

Holiday Cheer for Your Workout Blues

Did you know that sixty percent of weight gain for the entire year occurs during the last 6 weeks of the year? Most adults in the United States are not physically active on a regular basis, and only 30% get the recommended amount of physical activity. Around the holidays, time always seems to speed up […]

Do You Have Plantar Fasciitis or Plantar Fasciosis?

There is a pain in your feet that has been bothering you for quite a while now. You brush it off and put on your shoes in the morning to go to work. By the end of the day your feet are throbbing, and you realize there is a problem. Your feet handle the task […]

October is Physical Therapy Month

October is our favorite month of the year because it is National Physical Therapy Month! This month-long celebration is here to recognize the impact physical therapists make in restoring and improving motion in people’s lives. Physical therapists are evidence-based health care professionals who offer cost-effective treatments that improve mobility and relieve pain, reduce the need […]

Continuing Care in the Home

We are here for you! While most facilities have taken precautionary measures to try to help ease your worries about COVID-19, you may still have doubts about continuing your physical therapy in a clinic. Social distancing and other issues such as transportation/scheduling issues, issues of cost, or personal concerns like embarrassment or privacy may lead […]

Back to School Nutrition

  It’s almost time for school to start and we wanted to spend some time on Back to School nutrition! We have made it through most of the summer and it is time to take a moment and really think about how we would like to prepare our families for this coming school year so […]
